Introducing Forms in Valuecase
How to add a form
To add a form, just go to the block picker and select the new Forms block. You can customize your forms through the sidebar using various question formats like dropdowns, file uploads, and text inputs. Like with all elements in Valuecase, each question can be individually shown or hidden, manually or using content automation. This enables you to build complex forms that adapt to specific cases.
How to track answers & collaborate
Other than with your usual form providers, you don't have to wait until your customers completes the form to see their answers. You can track form completion in real-time. Just like in our action plan or collaborative block, you can even work on the form together with your customer. Once a form is completed, it'll be locked for your customer. But you can unlock it again if changes are needed. Collecting the data is easy: Just click download in the form sidebar or use Zapier / to automatically push responses into your systems.
We hope you enjoy this update as much as we do! Let us know if you have any feedback.