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Automate your workflows by connecting Valuecase with 800+ apps using Albato — no coding needed.





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Automate your workflows by connecting Valuecase with 800+ apps using Albato — no coding needed.


Albato is an automation platform that lets you seamlessly connect Valuecase with hundreds of other tools like HubSpot, Airtable, Slack, Notion, and more. With the Valuecase integration on Albato, you can set up powerful automations to streamline workflows such as space creation, deal updates, or client onboarding. It’s a great solution if you want to eliminate manual steps and connect Valuecase to tools we don’t yet natively support.

Check out our Albato integration page where you can discover all available triggers and actions.

How to use

Getting started with Albato and Valuecase is simple:

  1. Visit the Valuecase Albato app page.
  2. Get your Valuecase API key on the company settings page.
  3. Choose from pre-made automations or create your own workflow (called a “automation” in Albato).
  4. Select Valuecase as either the trigger or action in your flow.
  5. Connect your other apps, configure your logic, and activate your automation.

With Albato, you can create custom automations that suit your team’s needs, whether you're scaling your onboarding, nurturing leads, or syncing data — all without writing a single line of code.

Want to learn more about Valuecase? Let's talk today!

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